This is by far one of the most revolutionary flash movies ever created. ESPECIALLY for 2004. Thus for a 10 Year Anniversary, I will give a VERY detailed review of the film.
Scene 1
Mega Man has finished getting through the area, unscathed. This shows that the player is very good at playing Mega Man II. Mega Man walks down the dark, dramatic hallway, and the door opens slowly. This is very good foreshadowing and storytelling. Such as when you start a film at the end and then answer why that is so.
Scene 2
Mega Man gets a Quick Boomerang thrown at him and quickly dodges it. lol quick
Then we are immediately introduced to Quick Man, a robot that, like his brothers, falls from the sky, lands, and does his pose. You incorporated so much from the game, that I wondered how I could buy Mega Man II. YOU EVEN LET HIM HAVE HIS SHINY BOOMERANG!! :D
Scene 3
So here we have Mega Man shooting at Quick Man and missing. This is normal. Quick Man dashes around like a madman, and Mega Man is then punched in the jaw, and spurts blood. Quick Man basically does this often. Mega Man immediately gets pissed and charges the Mega Buster. This was pretty cool to see, but weird at the same time, because he couldn't do this until Mega Man IV. Still, maybe this represents what the player's wishes are, or their anger as to getting hit. Quick Man dodges the blast, but not before his arm is laser'd. Quick Man throws another Quick Boomerang into Mega Man's shoulder, and Quick Man proceeds with his next attack.
Scene 4
Quick Man runs at top speed across the room at Mega Man, who is stuck to the wall by the speed weapon. Mega Man then switches his weapon to having Metal Blade, and fires, doing nothing. This is based off of fact. Mega Man, still unable to move, possibly representing the player's panic, switches swiftly to the Time Stopper. Mega Man then stops panicking and removes the 'rang from his shoulder and walks away. Quick Man lands to the ground, with the Crash Bomber still stuck to his head. He notices Mega Man somehow got to the opposite wall. Mega Man takes the final shot, and receives the Quick Boomerang.
Finishing Touches
You did very well, put in actual things from the game, AND you dedicated the film to a person; your uncle. I hope he saw this, because I know for a fact that he would be VERY proud. Rating?
Message from Dr. Light!!
5 Star rating completed!! Get your flash films ready!!
Eckitron v.K-176 Beta